A downloadable game

Warning: This is an Ash Can
An "Ash Can" is a term to describe a product that has not been properly published. There is no editor, other than my own work. There is no artist, so the work uses public domain artwork. There is no layout person, so the document is laid out like a word document. Ash cans often exist to "lock-in" a legal effect, like trademarks or copyright. In this case, this ash can exists to activate the Creative Commons license and allow people to use this text in their own game. I have not set up payments yet on itch.io so it is free here. Even when I resolve that, it will be PWYW. I do not plan to require compensation for the ash can version.

"Welcome, Welcome To...The Lost World!"

The Lost World Roleplaying game is a Dicey Fate Game focused on surviving on a dinosaur infested island.

Dicey Fate is a variant of Fate Core that focuses on using dice ladders instead of numerical stats and bonuses. Instead of having a Fair (+2) or an Average (+1), you have a Fair (d8) or an Average (d6). You then include the dice in a dice pool using the relevant stats to determine the outcome of the four actions.

TLWRPG is inspired by dinosaur television, as opposed to movies. It focuses on longer form adventures that tend to work best in television. The survivors must survive on this dinosaur island until they escape or are rescued. They'll have to work at it by taking dangerous adventures to find the resources they need to escape the island.

Fitting the nature of a TV show over a movie, character death is not a base rule. While you can make the game more gritty by using the optional character death rules, the base rules only allow characters die if they sacrifice themselves. The focus is instead on seeing how the characters suffer, overcome, and grow, rather than just if they live or die.

TLWRPG has a focus on how characters grow in response to their circumstances. Characters are encouraged to get hurt and take trauma so that they can grow by overcoming that trauma. The character's Aspects, Relationships, and Trauma can be challenged. When challenged, you act to try to disprove the Aspect describing the relevant stat. Regardless of you succeed or not, you grow from the experience and add dice to your advancement track. Challenging Trauma is the only way to fix it and, thus, if a character takes trauma, it introduces a miniature character arc to cure it.

The title doesn't focus on combat. While optional combat rules are included for more action oriented games, the game assumes players only option will be to run away when faced with dinosaurs. As such, a new type of Fate Contest called "a Chase" has been introduced. Furthermore, Contests have been reworked to be more universal so that the contest rules can be used for chases, arguments, and even brief physical exchanges.

TLWRPG was designed with all audiences in mind. The inspiration for the game is a children's dinosaur cartoon about being trapped on the island. If your child is a fan of that show, this game may be an avenue to play the show with them.

The Lost World Roleplaying Game is licensed under the Creative Commons. As such, you are free to share, copy, remix, and otherwise use this title to make your own games commercially. To that end, a word processor document is included in this download so that you may use it to make your own commercial titles. CC 4.0 Attribution does require proper attribution be made -- and Fate Core requires that as well -- but as long as both attributions are included in your product, you may use this document to make your own titles.


The Lost World Roleplaying Game.pdf 10 MB
The Lost World Roleplaying Game.docx 7.6 MB
The Lost World Roleplaying Game - v1.01.docx 7.7 MB
The Lost World Roleplaying Game - v1.01.pdf 10 MB

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